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Budh is being ruled by the incarnation of Lord Vishnu called Lord Buddha. Lord Budh is responsible for the business in the trade, engineering, astrology, publishing, editing, accounting, etc. Lord Budha manages all the material resources and rules on most of our body part. Budh Mantra Jaap recommended for those who are facing Problems due to the wrong positioning of mercury planet in one’s horoscope and due to the wrong positioning of the planet, the individual can become insensitive and can lose his temper.
By doing Budh Mantra Jaap by Pujasanskaram Priests all the problem will get removed and the life will moves very smoothly and also by doing this Jaap it will saves you from lots of unfortunate circumstance.
Puja Sanskaram’s Priests will perform Budh Mantra Jaap (Mercury) - 9000 Chants at select Holi Temples on your behalf. The Budh Mantra Jaap is performed with all associated rituals & prayers to seek the Divine Blessings for you & your family.